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4038 Burke Rd.

Pasadena, TX  77504


Sundays: 10 a.m.


Our goal in our worship service is to honor and worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). We strive to be a non-denominational, Bible-centered church in all we do.

Here's a brief guide on what to expect during your visit:


Acapella Singing: At Southbelt, we lift our voices together in acapella singing without using musical instruments. Our heartfelt psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs create a harmonious atmosphere of praise and worship.

Prayer: Prayer is vital to our worship. Throughout the service, we will offer several prayers, where we connect with God and strengthen one another.

The Lord's Supper: We participate weekly in the Lord's Supper or communion. This is a meaningful time of remembrance, reflecting on our Lord's sacrifice and looking forward to the hope of resurrection and renewal.


Offering of Gratitude: After the Lord's Supper, we have a weekly offering for our members. You are not expected to give as our guest, but if you choose to donate, you can place it in the offering trays.

Instructed by the Word: Our service includes a sermon or lesson where we explore the teachings of the Bible. Our preacher, Steve, shares insights to inspire our spiritual growth and understanding.

Visitor Card: We want you to feel comfortable during your visit. As a friendly gesture, we kindly ask our guests to fill out a visitor card. This helps us keep a record of your visit and enables us to extend a warm follow-up in the future. You can place it in the offering plate or hand it to one of the members.


We hope this brief guide helps you feel at ease and informed about what to expect at Southbelt Church of Christ. We look forward to worshiping together and warmly welcoming you in our faith community. If you have any questions or need assistance, our members will be happy to help. See you soon!

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